Thursday, January 9, 2014

1.9 New Found Footage Flick In 3D? Oh No!

Is it just me or is everyone else sick of found footage films like I am? The gimmick is overused and tiresome.. Sure there are some well done found footage flicks (REC, Cloverfield, VHS and Chronicle)...

But for the most part, they suck.. Well it appears Kim henkel (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre) will be producing a new found footage flick..

'Found Footage 3D' is center around A group of filmmakers that set out to make the first 3D found footage horror film, but soon find themselves IN the first 3D found footage horror film when the villain escapes into their behind-the-scenes footage...

The film is Written/Directed By: Steven DeGennaro - Produced By: Steven DeGennaro, Kim Henkel, Charles Mulford And Stars: Scott Weinberg...

For additional information please check out the links below:

