Friday, November 16, 2018

Trailer For 'CROCODYLUS':

The trailer for 'Crocodylus' has worked its way online. The flick stars: Antoni Corone, Noa Lindberg, Roberto Escobar, Courtney Dlugos, Courtney Dlugos, Lee Silva, Patrick H. Fox, Dawn Soleri, Constance Payne, Mario Nalini, Katie Mackey, Luis Ramirez, Lyra Barillas, Lyra Barillas.

Plot: A dark secret is unearthed by a local farmer. Local Paleontologists reveal its the remains of a prehistoric monster Crocodylus. It’s trible seal has been broken unleashing terror upon the local townspeople...

Written by Myles Erfurth and Michael Mclaren - Directed by Myles Erfurth. According to IMDB Crocodylus will land in theaters (limited) January 1st, 2019.