Friday, March 23, 2012
03/23 Adam Green Talks "Hatchet 3":
"Victor Crowley started coming back to life this week and we hit the ground running. By the last week of April we should start filming," Green said. "It's important that I'm there for this, I don't want to just be a producer giving them notes. I'm going to be with them helping make this movie and making sure it stays on track in the way I want it to be and the way BJ wants it to be. I think it's just what the doctor ordered, getting some new blood in the director's chair. Especially with what I went through last time with the movie getting pulled from theaters and that whole thing. Now, to be continuing this story with someone who loves this series and is excited - not that I wouldn't have been excited to come back, but there's something about being a proud parent and watching something bring passion to this. It's amazing to feed off that. One of the things about the second film is that it was so ambitious for the budget, it was half of the budget of the first film, but twice the size. It was really hard to do, but I'm happy with what we pulled off. This film is going to connect with the other two - I don't want to give away too much - but this is like the climatic action finale piece, if you will. We'll learn more about Crowley - who's really pissed off."
Green is currently in pre-production on Hatchet 3 with director BJ McDonnell.
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