Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5/30 Exorcist Mini-Series False!

It appears the story we reported on last week:

"Writer-Director Sean Durkin (Martha Marcy May Marlene) has been tapped to tackle William Peter Blatty's novel.. The new adaptation will be in the form of a 10-episode mini-series for television"..

It's just that, a story.. Nothing to it - Bleeding Cool Reports: They've been contacted by author William Peter Blatty, to let them know that the news/story was "utterly false." According to Blatty, it would be impossible for Morgan Creek to produce the show as the rights still belong to Blatty himself.

It seems that Blatty and The Exorcist director William Friedkin are planning to do something with those rights, which means that we might still see an Exorcist TV show with the original creators behind it. In the same message, Blatty states that the 2009 announcement of a miniseries written and directed by himself is still a potential plan, though not one that has come to fruition yet...

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