Plot: Machete Kills finds the titular ex-federale (Danny Trejo) recruited by the U.S. government to stop a terrorist named Mendez the Madman, who happens to be Mexico's leading cartel dealer. Mel Gibson is set to co-star as Luther Voz, a cunning arms dealer and death merchant who aims to spread war across the planet by launching a missile. Jessica Alba is also expected to return for the sequel, which will be distributed by 20th Century Fox.
Vergara recently appeared in last years NEW YEAR'S EVE for director Gary Marshall and can currently be seen on the big screen in the Farrelly brothers' comedy THE THREE STOOGES which was also distributed by 20th Century Fox. She's so damn hot that i'll forgive her for appearing in both! MODERN FAMILY, which is the highest rated comedy on network TV airs Wednesday nights at 9pm on ABC.
(Source: The Reel
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