Plot: “When a monstrous freak tsunami hits a sleepybeach community, a group of survivors from different walks of life find themselves trapped inside a submerged grocery store. As they try to escape to safety, they soon discover that there is a predator among them more deadly than the threat of drowning—vicious great white sharks lurking in the water, starved hungry for fresh meat...
The flick Stars: Phoebe Tonkin, Sharni Vinson, Alice Parkinson, Cariba Heine and Julian McMahon - Directed By Kimble Rendall - Written By Shayne Armstrong, Duncan Kennedy, John Kim, Shane Krause, Justin Monjo, Russell Mulcahy...
The film will be available through Tugg this September 9th and then in limited theatres on September 14th, so keep those eyes peeled...
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