The first Banner for the new re-imagined of "Evil Dead" has popped up at this years San Diego Comic-Con...
Plot: "Mia, a young woman struggling with sobriety, heads to a remote cabin with her brother and a group of friends, where the discovery of a Book of the Dead leads to danger and horror..."
The flick will be Directed By Fede Alvarez - Written By Sam Raimi, Diablo Cody, Rodo Sayagues Mendez and Fede Alvarez... The Flick Will Star: Jane Levy, Shiloh Fernandez, Elizabeth Blackmore, Lou Taylor Pucci and Jessica Lucas... Produced By Sam Raimi, Bruce Campbell, Robert G. Tapert, Joseph Drake, Maya Fukuzawa and Nathan Kahane...
Look for the remake/reboot/re-imagining In theaters April 12, 2013...
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