Plot: Alice (Milla Jovovich) is captured by Umbrella Corporation once again, and awakens in the heart of their operation facility; as she moves further in the complex, more of her past is unveiled and she continues to hunt for those responsible for the outbreak. Her quest takes her and her newfound allies from Tokyo to New York, Washington, D.C. and Moscow. After a "mind-blowing" revelation, she is forced to rethink everything, finally finding out the truth about herself, and the Umbrella Corporation...
Resident Evil: Retribution - Stars, Milla Jovovich (as Alice), Sienna Guillory (as Jill Valentine), Michelle Rodriguez (as Rain Ocampo), Johann Urb (as Leon Kennedy), Oded Fehr (as Carlos Oliveira), Shawn Roberts (as Albert Wesker), Boris Kodjoe (as Luther West), Kevin Durand (as Barry Burton) and Bingbing Li (as Ada Wong) - Written And Directed By Paul W.S. Anderson.. look for "Resident Evil: Retribution" in Theaters September 14th...
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