Saturday, September 29, 2012

9.29 Trailer For ''Puppet Master X: Axis Rising':

The trailer for 'Puppet Master X: Axis Rising' has landed! I've always been a fan of the series..

Plot: Danny Coogan and his girlfriend Beth are back with the rest of the puppets. This time, they are supported by the US Army but the Nazi's have some help as well....4 new Nazi controlled puppets! Danny Coogan (played by Levi Fiehler), the teenage handicapped boy who found Toulon's puppet's, goes to rescue the love of his life, Beth, from being kidnapped from Klaus, and kills two Japanese, and two Germans, but in the end, the puppets wind up helpless and stolen by the only survivor, Ozu.

Leaving Blade, Pinhead, and new recruit, Ninja, with the soul of Don Coogan, (played by Taylor M. Graham), behind. They will need to get their old puppet friends back, and defeat a few new ones along the way, such as the leader, Blitzkreig, Bombshell, Weremecht, and the only Japanese puppet, (living with the other's as Nazis), is Kamikaze, but he is not able to go over sea's and fight against the Kraus, but he may just get his wish by doing his bit right in China town, California. Even if he is fighting with and against 12 inch tiny terrors! After foiling a plot to blow up an American arms plant, DANNY COOGAN and his girlfriend, BETH, quickly find that their troubles have just begun.

One of Toulon’s mysterious Puppets has been kidnapped by the Nazis and under the wicked, watchful eye of occultist, COMMANDANT MOEBIUS, the Puppets’ life-giving serum is synthesized to create a master race of unstoppable soldiers… Moebius plots to assassinate the highly-decorated GENERAL PORTER to deliver a crippling blow to the American war effort; but his experiments are not ready. A Nazi Scientist uses the serum to create their own superior race of NAZI PUPPETS in the form of BLITZKRIEG, WEREMACHT, BOMBSHELL and KAMIKAZE! Danny and Beth, teamed with craggy SERGEANT STONE and Toulon’s Puppets, are no match for Moebius and his war machine. It is up to BLADE, PINHEAD, LEECH WOMAN, JESTER, TUNNELER, TORCH, SIX SHOOTER and NINJA to revive their own secret weapon to stop the AXIS RISING!

The film stars: Paul Thomas Arnold, Jean Louise O'Sullivan, Oto Brezina and Kip Canyon.. Written By: Charles Band and Shane Bitterling - Directed By: Charles Band..