As most of you know, a couple of months ago Jason Voorhees went home back to Paramount when Warner Bros made a deal with Paramount Pictures..
In the deal Warner Bros. gave up their profit sharing rights to the “Friday the 13th franchise” for the next five years as part of a deal to co-produce a Christopher Nolan flick “Interstellar” with Paramount.. This pretty much guaranteed a new sequel.. Now that the deal has been made, Paramount Pictures has been on the fast track to produce a new Friday The 13th..
This morning producer Brad Fuller (Platinum Dunes) respond to a question on Twitter:
"FRANCESCO FALCIANI @superchecco: @bcfuller are you in NY to talk to pèaramount aboput the f13th sequel??? why all this silence u always answered to us...:-("
"Brad Fuller @bcfuller: @superchecco we are wrapping TMNT and Almanac over the next month. Then we will start to work on F13."
So it does sound like we will see a new flick in the very near future!
(Source: Arrow In The Head)