A bunch of new little evil clips for James Wan's upcoming ghost flick "The Conjuring", has made their way online.. The story centers around a world renowned paranormal investigator and his family encountering spirits living among them in their New England farmhouse.. The film is Based on a true story...
Plot: Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren work to help a family terrorized by a dark presence in their farmhouse. Forced to confront a powerful entity, the Warrens find themselves caught in the most terrifying case of their lives...
The film Stars: Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga, Ron Livingston, Lili Taylor, Mackenzie Foy, Joey King, Hayley McFarland, Joe Bishara, and Shanley Caswellr.. Written By: Chad Hayes And Carey Hayes - Directed By: James Wan.. The Conjuring opens in Theater July 19th...