Friday, August 23, 2013

8.23 Official Trailer For 'All The Boys Love Mandy Lane':

The official trailer for 'All The Boys Love Mandy Lane', has made its way online..

Many many years ago details of a new film horror flick tittled 'All The Boys Love Mandy Lane', made its way online.. The film sounded very intriguing! A US release date seem just around the corner.. And than nothing...

Seven years later, that's right seven years later - the unthinkable happened.. Back in March - it was announced that 'All The Boys Love Mandy Lane', would finally have its day in north America.. The flick will land on VOD September 6th with a limited theatrical run to follow on October 11th...

The film Stars: Amber Heard, Anson Mount, Whitney Able, Michael Welch, Edwin Hodge, Aaron Himelstein And Luke Grimes...

Plot: Mandy Lane. Beautiful. Untouched. High school royalty waiting to be crowned. Since the dawn of Junior year, men have tried to possess her. Some have even died in reckless pursuit of this 16-year-old Texas angel. Chloe and Red invite Mandy out to Red's family ranch for the weekend. Mandy sees it as an excellent opportunity to cement her new friendships. The boys see it as an opportunity to finally get with Mandy Lane. Driving across the Texas landscape, the kids begin to gently chip away at the wall that surrounds her. Joints are smoked. A keg is stolen off a beer truck. Pills are crushed to fine powder and inhaled. Mandy observes it all with the gentle interest of a foreign tourist. And they love her for it. At the ranch, all the boys start to make their move--each one hoping to be the first to attain the unattainable Mandy Lane. However, as night falls and the booze, drugs, and hormones take over, things are said and advances made which can never be reversed. Suddenly, sweet Mandy finds herself pit in a brutal struggle for survival against someone whose interest she has rejected. Forget reading, writing and arithmetic; in high school, learning to be yourself and not succumbing to peer pressure is the ultimate test. And this is one exam that Mandy is determined not to fail...

Written By: Jacob Forman - Directed By: Jonathan Levine.. All The Boys Love Many Lane has been Rated 'R' for strong disturbing violence, pervasive drug and alcohol use, sexuality/nudity and language - all involving teens..