Thursday, October 17, 2013

10.17 New 'WOLF CREEK 2' Poster:

A new one-sheet for Greg Mclean's upcoming sequel 'Wolf Creek 2', has made it's way online.. The flick Stars: John Jarratt, Ryan Corr, Phillipe Klaus, Sarah Roberts, Chloe Boreham And Shannon Ashlyn.. Written By: Greg Mclean & Aaron Sterns.. Directed By: Greg Mclean..

Plot: Seeking to experience the real Australia, backpackers Rutger and Katarina hitchhike off the main tourist route to the awe-inspiring Wolf Creek crater. A place that's also the hunting ground of psychopathic pig-shooter Mick Taylor: the last man any outback traveller wants to meet.

After a chilling attack in the dead of night, the crazed bushman pursues his prey in an epic, white-knuckled rampage across hostile wasteland that pushes his victims to the brink of madness. When Mick locks onto his prey, nothing -- and no-one -- can stand in his way..