Tuesday, October 29, 2013

10.29 'Trick 'r Treat 2' Will Have It's Day:

Lets face it, sequel talk relating to Trick 'r Treat 2 has been dead for years.. But it appears the film might be on after all.. During a special screening (Egyptian Theater in Hollywood for Beyond Fest’s) last night for Michael Dougherty's cult classic 'Trick 'r Treat'.. Dougherty was taking part in a panel hosted by Seth Green that featured Brian Cox and Bryan Singer...

Anyways Sam (himself) came out and delivered Dougherty a card: "MAKE A SEQUEL." Dougherty replied: "That it’s not his call... It’s Thomas Tull from Legendary’s call." Then I guess Tull stood up and replied: "I can’t say no to Sam. Let’s make a sequel!"

In case some of you don't remember Trick 'r Treat was originally set to be released back in October 2007. Warner Bros. pulled the release date without any explanation.. The flick was shelved for two years, finally being released in 2009 on dvd..

The plot of the film centered around Five interwoven stories that occur on the same block, on the same night. A couple finds what happens when they blow a jack o' lantern out before midnight, a high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer, a college virgin might have met the right guy for her, a group of mean teens play a prank that they take too far, and a hermit is visited by a special trick or treater...

The film Starred: Anna Paquin, Brian Cox, Brett Kelly, Lauren Lee Smith, Rochelle Aytes And Dylan Baker.. Written & Directed By: Michael Dougherty...