It appears the remake of Pet Sematary is moving closer and closer - Variety reports Juan Carlos Fresnadillo (28 Weeks Later) is in talks to direct the upcoming film.. Written By: Matt Greenberg and David Kajganich - Lorenzo di Bonaventura will produce..
1989 Plot: The Creeds have just moved to a new house in the countryside. Their house is perfect, except for two things: the semi-trailers that roar past on the narrow road, and the mysterious cemetery in the woods behind the house. The Creed's neighbours are reluctant to talk about the cemetery, and for good reason too...
The film Starred: Dale Midkiff, Denise Crosby, Brad Greenquist And Fred Gwynne - Written By: Stephen King (novel) & Directed By: Mary Lambert..
1989 Plot: The Creeds have just moved to a new house in the countryside. Their house is perfect, except for two things: the semi-trailers that roar past on the narrow road, and the mysterious cemetery in the woods behind the house. The Creed's neighbours are reluctant to talk about the cemetery, and for good reason too...
The film Starred: Dale Midkiff, Denise Crosby, Brad Greenquist And Fred Gwynne - Written By: Stephen King (novel) & Directed By: Mary Lambert..