Friday, November 15, 2013

11.15 Eli Roth May Direct A David O. Russell Horror Screenplay:

Now as most of you guys know writer/director David O. Russell (Three Kings, The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook and the upcoming American Hustle, starring Christian Bale And Bradley Cooper) is not really known for horror - But it appears the Oscar nominated director has written a script and according to him Eli Roth may Direct it..

"I wrote a couple of things that someone might make, Eli Roth may actually do one, I wrote a horror a few years ago…It’ll be coupled with Eli Roth, that’s exciting to me. Cause I had to write to support myself. So I wrote a horror for producer Colleen Camp a horror film that I thought was interesting. And Eli thinks its interesting, I think he’s going to make it more interesting…I don’t wanna say anything more, I’ll let Eli talk about it."

(Source: The Hollywood Reporter)