Friday, December 20, 2013

12.20 Indiegogo Campaign For BJ McDonnell's 'Penance Lane':

An indiegogo campaign for BJ McDonnell's upcoming horror flick 'Penance Lane', has made it's way online.. The flick Stars: Tyler Mane, Daniel Roebuck, Muse Watson, Troy Brenna, Renae Geerlings And Leslie Easterbrook..

Plot: A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay? And why are so many people drawn to Penance Lane?

Penance Lane is Written By: Munier Sharrieff - Directed By: BJ McDonnell... If you guys would like to contribute, hit-up their indiegogo page...