Monday, April 7, 2014

4.7 Teaser Trailer For 'EASTER SUNDAY':

Teaser trailer for Northgate Pictures 'Easter Sunday', has landed online! The flick Stars: Robert Z’Dar, Ari Lehman, Edward X. Young, Shawn C. Phillips, Paige Taylor, Christine Galbraith, William Bozarth, Jon McKoy And Travis Marion..

Story: It's been 24 years since the deranged serial killer Douglas Fisher was executed by police on Easter night. This year, a group of hard partying teenagers not only raise some hell, but literally raise the dead! The teens accidentally conjure the spirit of Douglas Fisher ... aka the bunny masked killer! These teens have until Midnight on Easter to stop the evil bunny slasher, or he will tear their town, and everyone in it into pieces. There will be no candy in your Easter basket, just the limbs and body parts of your family and friends... Doug Fisher kills everyone in sight, if you're not careful you'll lose your head this Easter night. The ultimate in bunny terror!!!

Written And Directed By: Jeremy Todd Morehead...