Thursday, July 24, 2014

7.24 Kevin Williamson Talks The Future Of 'Scream':

Over the past few years there has been some rumblings when it comes to 'Scream 5', after the disappointing box office numbers for Scream 4.. It seem very unlikely there would ever be a part 5..

But that is slowly starting to change, we know Harvey Weinstein (Dimension) wants his bother Bob to give the franchise another chance.. And I believe Wes Craven and Neve Campbell would be willing to return and of course know Courteney Cox and David Arquette are in..

But I'm a little surprised that Kevin Williamson seems to be willing to give it another shot, after all this guy has been burn by the Weinstein's more times than I can count.. At this years Television Critics Association Williamson talked about the future of Scream:

"It’s weird, when I pitched Scream 4, I pitched Scream 4, 5 and 6...I pitched a whole new trilogy. I guess Scream 4 never took off in a way they hoped, and so..."

Williamson also stated that if Dimension and the Weinstein's want to end the film series at 6, he already has the story mapped out:

"It’s all here (pointing to his head) and my computer... If they wanna buy it from me!"

Kevin also confirmed that he is not involved at all with the upcoming MTV 'Scream' series in any way... But he is looking forward to checking it out:

"I’m curious. I’ll watch it. I’ll give it a go. Teen Wolf turned out to be a fun romp I enjoy the hell out of that–so maybe MTV’s on a roll and it will be a good, cool thriller..."

For me I enjoyed Scream 4, it was better than part 3.. But it was nothing really to it, just a rehash of the first three films.. The tagline for the flick was "New decade new rules".. But it should have been "New decade same rules"...

I thought Emma Roberts character Jill, should have lived.. Let the villain live and become the hero at the same time - that would make one hell of a set up for Scream 5.. But instead all the new characters that were introduced, they all died.. I believe the only that lived was Deputy Judy Hicks...

(Source: Arrow In The Head)