Wednesday, September 17, 2014

9.17 Casting Update For 'SKULL ISLAND':

Back in July it was announced at Comic-Con that Legendary and Universal Pictures were looking to team up to produce an all new King Kong film titled 'SKULL ISLAND'... Now the first casting news has made it's way online - Tom Hiddleston (Thor, The Avengers ) has sign on to star in the upcoming origin story! Jordan Vogt-Roberts will direct from a script written by Max Borenstein...

To be honest I was concern that this film would be a sequel to Peter Jackson’s 2005 bloated none-scary Kong flick.. Although King Kong 05 was stunning to look at, the film just fell flat and horribly miscast.. The flick is set for release November 4th, 2016...

Of course rumors have already started that the new King Kong flick will lead up to a Kong vs Godzilla crossover! For that to happen Kong will need to be much much much larger, otherwise he will be squashed by Godzilla...