Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9.30 New Clip For 'Inner Demons':

A new clip for Schorr Pictures 'Inner Demons', has made it's way online! IFC Midnight will release the film onto VOD/theaters (limited), this Friday... The flick Stars: Leslie Coutterand, Susan Ateh, William Thomas Jones, Sewell Whitney, Katana Martinez, Ashley Sutton, Chelsea Vale, Adrian Gaeta, Andi Rene Christensen, Morgan McClellan And Kate Whitney...

Story: An 'Intervention'-style reality show crew that films an episode about a sixteen-year old girl, a former A-student, who is fighting addiction but may in fact be suffering from something even more destructive: demonic possession. The movie is an inquiry into the truth about her - with symptoms that straddle the disturbing and scary intersection between insanity, addiction and true possession...

Written By: Glenn Gers And Director: Seth Grossman...