Monday, July 6, 2015

7.6 Poster For 'Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf'':

The official poster for Kevin O’Neill’s upcoming 'Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf'', has landed online... The flick Stars: Casper Van Dien, Catherine Oxenberg, Sarodj Bertin, Yasser MichelĂ©n, Mario Arturo Hernández, Olga Valdez and Akari Endo...

The story centers around a mad scientist mixing the genes of a killer whale and a wolf - it creates the Whalewolf, and it's up to Sharktopus to stop it...

Produced By: Roger Corman and (Written?) and Directed By: Kevin O’Neill... Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf will air on the Syfy channel, Sunday July 19th at 9/8c...