Monday, August 3, 2015

Release Date (DVD/VOD) For Jeremy Woodings 'BLOOD MOON':

On September 1st, Uncork'd Entertainment and Jinga Films will release Jeremy Woodings cowboys vs. werewolf flick 'BLOOD MOON' onto DVD/VOD...

Storyline: 1887. Colorado. A deserted town lit by the glow of a reddish full moon. A stagecoach full of passengers and an enigmatic gunslinger find themselves prisoners of two outlaws on the run. As the travelers attempt to outwit the outlaws it becomes apparent that a bigger menace lurks outside; a beast that only appears on the night of a blood red moon...

Written By: Alan Wightman and Directed By: Jeremy Wooding... The film Stars: George Blagden, Tom Cotcher, Raffaello Degruttola, Shaun Dooley, Jack Fox, Corey Johnson, Eleanor Matsuura, Amber Jean Rowan, Kerry Shale, Dave Fulton, Anna Skellern and Barrington De La Roche...