The official poster and trailer for Mickey Keating's upcoming horror thriller 'POD' have made their way online... The film Stars: Lauren Ashley Carter, Larry Fessenden, John Weselcouch, Brian Morvant, Forrest McClain and Dean Cates...
Storyline: After receiving a troubling voicemail, estranged siblings Ed and Lyla travel to their isolated family lake house in Maine to hold an intervention on their increasingly paranoid, war veteran brother, Martin. But the situation rapidly spirals out of control when they discover the house completely ransacked and learn that Martin has constructed an elaborate and horrifying conspiracy theory surrounding a sinister entity that he believes he has trapped in the basement...
Written and Directed By: Mickey Keating... POD' will make it's way into theaters (limited) August 28th, via Vertical Entertainment...
Storyline: After receiving a troubling voicemail, estranged siblings Ed and Lyla travel to their isolated family lake house in Maine to hold an intervention on their increasingly paranoid, war veteran brother, Martin. But the situation rapidly spirals out of control when they discover the house completely ransacked and learn that Martin has constructed an elaborate and horrifying conspiracy theory surrounding a sinister entity that he believes he has trapped in the basement...
Written and Directed By: Mickey Keating... POD' will make it's way into theaters (limited) August 28th, via Vertical Entertainment...