The trailer and poster for April Mullen's upcoming horror thriller 'Farhope Tower' have made their way online... The film Stars: John White, April Mullen, Lauren Collins, Tim Doiron, Brittany Allen, Ari Millen and Evan Williams...
Storyline: The film centers around five paranormal investigators who venture into the infamous Farhope Tower with dreams of landing a Reality TV deal. The Farhope Tower is known for its dark history of unexplained suicides and the team gets more than they bargained for when they enter the labyrinthine lair containing the most powerful spirits they’ve ever faced. Once inside the tower an omnipresent evil begins manipulating the group, and the higher they climb the more everything spirals out of control...
Written By: Jeremy Doiron and Michael Doiron - Directed By: April Mullen...
April Mullen
(Source: Arrow In The Head)
Storyline: The film centers around five paranormal investigators who venture into the infamous Farhope Tower with dreams of landing a Reality TV deal. The Farhope Tower is known for its dark history of unexplained suicides and the team gets more than they bargained for when they enter the labyrinthine lair containing the most powerful spirits they’ve ever faced. Once inside the tower an omnipresent evil begins manipulating the group, and the higher they climb the more everything spirals out of control...
Written By: Jeremy Doiron and Michael Doiron - Directed By: April Mullen...
(Source: Arrow In The Head)