Plot Outline: Lurking Woods is an Australian suspense thriller set in the rural areas of Western Australia. The story follows a group of six young ex university students that have all decided to catch up with each other after a year apart. They have all agreed to spend a luxurious weekend away in a tranquil woods location together. The girls of the group have secretly organised a "seek and search" game that will result in which guy will end up spending time with which girl for the weekend.
We watch as they group start to enjoy sharing stories of times gone by, and at the same time we experience the beautiful Australian scenery and landscape. After a bit of frolicking around, we start to follow the game that the girls had devised. It is quickly discovered that not all seems to be fun and games in the peaceful neck of the woods. A masked person is lurking around in the woods and spying. Before too long the eerie masked person has appeared to have gone crazy and starts attacking the group individually...
Written By: Desmond Hew and Directed By: Rizal Halim... Release Date TBA...