Wednesday, January 6, 2016

01/06 New Trailer For "Serial Kaller" Starring Debbie Rochon:

A new trailer for the upcoming British slasher "Serial Kaller" has made it's way online.. The film stars: Dani Thompson, Debbie Rochon, Suzi Lorraine, Charlie Bond, Adam A. Park, Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace And Lucinda Rhodes-Flaherty...

Plot Outline: A group of beautiful Internet models are trapped inside their recording studio and hunted down by a mentally unstable fan they insulted live on the air. Now the girls must join together to escape and face their murderous stalker, or be picked off one by one. Beauty may only be skin deep, but revenge cuts to the bone...

Written And Directed By: Dan Brownlie.. Wild Eye Releasing has picked up distribution rights to the film - We should see a release sometime this year...