A new trailer for Michael Petroni's upcoming horror thriller "BACKTRACK" has worked it's way online... The film stars: Adrien Brody, Bruce Spence, Jenni Baird, Anna Lise Phillips, Olga Miller, Michael Whalley, Chloe Bayliss, Robin McLeavy and Sam Neill...
Plot Outline: Troubled psychotherapist Peter Bowers, who is suffering from nightmares and eerie visions. When he uncovers the horrifying secret shared by his patients, he is put on a course that takes him back to the remote hometown he fled years ago. There in False Creek he is consumed by solving a decades-old mystery that holds the key to his strange and menacing delusions...
Backtrack is set to land in theaters February 26, 2016 - The film is Written and Directed by: Michael Petroni...