Saturday, January 30, 2016

01/30 Official Trailer For "Cabin Fever" Remake:

A few hours ago a new still for Travis Zariwny’s upcoming remake of Eli Roth's "Cabin Fever" made it's way online... Now we have the official trailer! The film stars: Gage Golightly, Matthew Daddario, Samuel Davis, Nadine Crocker and Dustin Ingram.

Written By: Eli Roth and Randy Pearlstein - Directed By: Travis Zariwny... Plot Outline: The story will center around a group of five college graduates who rent a cabin in the woods and fall victim to a flesh-eating virus that attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals...

The film is being produced By: Evan Astrowsky, Christopher Lemole and Tim Zajaros. Exec producers: Eli Roth, Cassian Elwes, Jerry Fruchtman, Peter Fruchtman and Ike and Jaclyn Suri... Cabin Fever will hit (limited) theaters and On Demand this February 16th, 2016...