Thursday, April 21, 2016

4.21 First Trailer For John A. Russo's "My Uncle John Is A Zombie!":

The first trailer to John A. Russo's upcoming horror comedy "My Uncle John Is A Zombie!" has made it's way online.. The film stars: Gary Lee Vincent, John A. Russo, Cy-Fi, Debbie Rochon, Solon Tsangaras, George Kosana, Lloyd Kaufman, Danielle Inks, Sarah French, Chuck Corby and Susanne Banks...

Storyline: A zombie whose family took him in and rehabilitated him (to a degree), and has been living in hiding all of these years. Now in a post-zombie, modern world, Uncle John is about to be discovered. As word gets out about Uncle John and the fact that, although he is a zombie, he still has considerable communication skills and a witty sense of humor, his popularity starts to spread faster than the zombie apocalypse itself, with news coverage (and fame) growing by the day.

However, there are some people who do not want to see zombies of any kind getting notoriety, who believe that the only good zombie is a dead zombie, and make it their mission to capture Uncle John and have a little fun at their hunt club...

Produced by: Gary Lee Vincent, Robert L. Lucas and Stanley Foo... Written by: John A. Russo - Directed by: John A. Russo and Robert L. Lucas...

(Source: Arrow In The Head)