Monday, December 19, 2016

12.19 DVD Release Date For 'SHE KILLS':

On April 11th 2017, Ron Bonk's throwback thriller 'SHE KILLS' will land on DVD.. The film Stars: Jennie Russo, Trey Harrison, Jody Pucello, David Royal, Martha Zemsta, Niecy Cerise, Mateo Prendergast, Matt Mendoza and Michael Merchant..

Plot: Sadie's life is destroyed when a vicious gang called "The Touchers" targets her for their sadistic fantasies after witnessing her sexy but innocent naked frolicking in a nearby field. On her wedding night they attack her and her husband Edward, brutalizing both of them. But during the attack the virgin bride discovers a dangerous secret about her body - she is cursed with the legendary "Fire Crotch", a condition where Satan has laid claim to her vagina.

After visiting her fortune teller friend Casparella, a space exorcism is attempted on her meat flaps, but it only ends up unlocking secret hidden powers inside her. Her hatchet wound becomes lethal, her most deadly weapon in her thirst for revenge against The Touchers and her fight against lustful men everywhere!

Written and Directed By: Ron Bonk.. If you don't want to wait till April to check out SHE KILLS, you can catch it NOW on iTunes and Amazon Video..