Plot: a soldier who is part of a group of mercenaries traveling to China in order to bring back gunpowder to Europe. When the group is attacked by mystical beasts, the man finds himself in a war between a secret warrior clan and the beasts..
The film takes place about 1,000 years ago. At its core, it is a period piece and an action film. The fantasy element does play a major role because of the monsters. But, what makes our film unique is that these are ancient Chinese monsters. Even though it’s a fantasy movie, we filmed it in a very realistic way. We want it to feel like the events actually happened. Other than the monster, all aspects of this film are backed by either scientific or historical research.
THE GREAT WALL' is set to land in theaters February 17th, 2017 - Written by: Max Brooks, Tony Gilroy, Marshall Herskovitz, Carlo Bernard, Edward Zwick and Doug Miro.. Directed by: Yimou Zhang...