Plot: On the last night of her tour, country-pop superstar Chelsea Angel (Erika Christensen), announces to her fans a much-needed break from her music career to focus on her family and soon-to-arrive baby. Tragedy strikes when her flight home crashes into a remote wilderness.
The only other survivor of the crash, Evelyn King (Bethany Lauren James), who happens to be a huge fan of Chelsea, pulls her to safety. Hurt and unable to walk, Chelsea needs Evelyn’s help to get to a nearby cabin. As Evelyn cares for Chelsea’s wounds, she becomes increasingly unstable and obsessive and Chelsea begins to realize that her caretaker may have more sinister plans in store. Racing the clock, she must find a way to overcome her injuries and escape from Evelyn, whose insane adoration could ultimately lead to Chelsea’s demise...
Written and Directed By: Damián Romay - The Follower' will land on Digital HD and On Demand April 18th 2017, via MarVista Entertainment