Saturday, April 15, 2017

4/15 Production Resumes On "THE LURING":


We are back in Lyndonville, Vermont to complete our highly anticipated independent feature film production of ‘The Luring’! Filming will take place from April 17 to May 14, 2017, and though the set will be closed to the public during that time, the production team has set aside the following dates for members of the press to attend to take pictures: April 21, May 6, and May 9. Producer Brian Berg can be contacted at 917.687.6608 for more details.

Due to the great press coverage when ‘The Luring’ trailer was shot last year, the buzz is out, all funding has been raised, and we are ready to make horror film history. ‘The Luring’ will be the smallest Big Film you will ever see made in Vermont! On the days listed, press members are encouraged to take photos of the action on the set, and interact with the filmmakers.

Additionally, Writer/Director Christopher Wells and Producer Brian Berg will be available to talk about their vision for a thinking person’s version of the horror genre on April 23rd at the Kingdom Taproom located at 397 Railroad St. St. Jonhnsbury, VT, 05819 from 2-5PM. While this film is shocking and deeply disturbing, even terrifying, Chris and Brian has drawn its essence from their deepest psyche probed during many anxious sleepless nights they each have had.

Without resorting to cheap thrills and gore, ‘The Luring’ nonetheless unearths our fears at their most base and startling levels. In capturing all of this on film, Chris draws upon the beauty of Vermont to set a tone of beauty and life lived in its natural state. As Chris spent much of his childhood in Vermont, among his fondest memories are those of family gatherings in Concord Corners, St. Johnsbury, and Lyndonville with local relatives. Chris’s father, Roderick Alexander Wells, chose to return to his roots in Vermont, after a teaching career in New York, to work full-time as a fine artist.

Chris filmed a feature length documentary showing Rod’s impressive body of work as a Romantic Realist and won director awards in both the 2016 New York Film & TV Festival and the 2016 New York Short Film and Screenplay Competition. Christopher will also feature his father’s paintings in his horror film. Incorporated to create an overall sense of place will be shoots made at Harvey’s Lake, Kingdom Taproom, and Missisquoi Lanes, as well as other recognizable area locations. Production Assistants, including students from Lyndon State College, are providing their valuable efforts to make ‘The Luring’ a unique, amazing, and Vermont-centric experience to remember.

Plot: The story centers around a man returning to his family vacation home, where a murder took place during his 10th birthday party, hoping to finally resolve a memory gap that has been plaguing him for years.