Plot: Deranged Minds Entertainment is excited to share the new official trailer and exclusive stills from their upcoming feature length slasher film, “Red Eye,” which is jammed packed with even more blood, screams, and action!
Do you want to see this film? You don’t have to wait too long if you’re in/nearby the Gateway Film Center in Columbus Ohio! “Red Eye” is slashing its way onto the big screen May 27th for a one night event! For more information and tickets, go to!
“Red Eye” is a legend Gage Barker use to be told as a kid. When he found out there was some truth behind this legend he gathered a group of friends to hike in the backwoods of Black Creek, WV to help him use this as the basis for his first film project. To what extent will they go to make this project a reality? Will their passion bleed through? Or cross the line?
Written By: Tristan Clay and Destinie Orndoff - Directed By: Tristan Clay..