The poster and trailer for Tom Sands horror thriller "The Holly Kane Experiment", have made their way online.. The film Stars: Kirsty Averton, Nicky Henson, Lindsey Campbell, Matthew Neal, Sophie Barker, Tom Cox, Euan Macnaughton, Simon Hepworth, Emma Davies and James Rose..
Holly Kane is an obsessive psychologist who attempts to reprogramme her subconscious mind, but when her actions become increasingly uncharacteristic she fears her experiment is dangerously out of control.
THE HOLLY KANE EXPERIMENT is a dark and intelligent thriller about mind control, centred around one woman’s battle for sanity in the face of extreme psychological pressure. It is the second film from father-son, writer-director team Mick Sands and Tom Sands.
Holly Kane (Kirsty Averton) is an attractive 29-year-old experimental psychologist, whose determined research into mind-control techniques is driven by a fear of insanity. In her quest to control her unconscious thoughts, Holly is experimenting with drug-fuelled subliminal programming when two very different men come into her life.
She is swept off her feet by Dennis Macintyre (James Rose), a handsome 35-year-old who seems to be impulsive and vulnerable but who conceals a background in military intelligence.
Meanwhile, her career gets a much-needed boost from Marvin Greenslade (Nicky Henson), a celebrated 73-year-old psychologist who uses his power and influence to facilitate the clinical trials that will legitimise Holly’s experiments. But Marvin hasn’t told Holly the complete truth either.
When Holly steps up her experiments on herself with more sophisticated equipment and more powerful drugs, she descends into paranoia and madness.
To discover the truth about what’s happening to her, Holly must learn to trust something other than her mind.
Written By: Mick Sands and Directed By: Tom Sands.. The Holly Kane Experiment' is now available on AMAZON.