Thursday, August 31, 2017

8/31 My Thoughts On "The Monster Project":

'The Monster Project’ Review: The story centers around Devon a mockumentary horror filmmaker posting an online casting call for his upcoming documentary about real life monsters, a skin-walker, vampire and a demon. He hires his ex-girlfriend Murielle, her new friend and ‘former?’ drug addict and wannabe actor Bryan, along with his buddy and co-creator Jamal..

Devon sets up a meeting with three individuals claiming to be real life monsters at a remote mansion in the woods (of course) on the night of a total lunar eclipse.. Devon, Murielle, Jamal and Bryan soon discover - real life monsters may actually exist!

Lets face it, the found footage gimmick has long outstayed its welcome.. Most of these type films are nothing more than a shaky cam headache, but that doesn’t mean there are no good found footage films - every now and then you do come across a somewhat decent affair.. Fortunately The Monster Project is a decent affair..

By no means is this film without problems, but it’s entertaining as hell.. Outside of the pretty awesome effects the character of Jamal is probably the next best thing in the movie.. He manages to keep the story afloat in the beginning when the film is kind of dragging..

When we finally reach the mansion, the story kicks into high gear and becomes a non-stop roller coaster ride full creepy creatures.. The biggest problem with the film is the overuse of the shaky cam effect, especially towards the end flick..

As far as acting goes, I thought the main cast was pretty spot on.. I can’t really point out one bad performance..

If you don’t like the found footage/shaky cam genre I doubt this flick will change your mind.. But if you don’t really mind them, then by all means check out The Monster Project..

Grade: B

Written By: Victor Mathieu, Shariya Lynn and Corbin Billings .. Directed By: Victor Mathieu..

Cast: Justin Bruening, Toby Hemingway, Murielle Zuker, Jamal Quezaire, Yvonne Zima, Steven Flores, Shiori Ideta and Jim Storm..