Inspired in equal measure by modern comedy like BROAD CITY and goofy horror films like GHOULIES, this female-led horror/comedy follows the misadventures of Angie (Annie Watkins) and Izzy (Jamie Jirak) as they take on a plum housesitting gig that kind of spirals into supernatural horror. HOUSESITTERS has been submitted to a number of 2018 festivals in advance of a VOD release later this year.
The cast of HOUSESITTERS also includes Peter Ash, Jay J. Bidwell, Bethanie Louise, Mariah Michael, James Timothy Peters, and Ben Schlotfelt. The film features a creature puppet designed and built by Ohio-based independent filmmaker Dustin Wayde Mills (THE PUPPET MONSTER MASSACRE).
Behind the camera, Jolene Vega served as cinematographer with Jef Burnham as assistant director and Tatiana von Recklinghausen as lead makeup/effects artist. The soundtrack includes a score by Chicago-based Joshua Burke (who records under the name boardinghouse), with songs by Black Candles, Desire (courtesy of Italians Do It Better), Inner Vegas (courtesy of Good Glass), and Night Witch.
The inaugural Windy City Horrorama, presented with support from, is a weekend-long celebration of the DIY spirit of independent genre filmmaking. We believe the horror crowd is a special and valuable one, dedicated to mutual support, inclusion, and driven by sheer enthusiasm.
From the hardworking hands that make the films to the enthusiastic audiences that come out in droves to see them, Horrorama sets out to honor them all in a weekend of fun and frights at the newly re-opened Davis Theater in Chicago’s gorgeous Lincoln Square neighborhood.
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