The teaser trailer and poster for Lifetime's upcoming remake of 'The Bad Seed' have worked its way online. The film stars: Rob Lowe, Mckenna Grace, Patty McCormack, Sarah Dugdale, Luke Roessler, Marci T. House, John Emmet Tracy, Shauna Johannesen.
Plot: A single father who seems to have everything under control. But when there is a terrible tragedy that takes place at his daughter Emma’s (Mckenna Grace) school, he is forced to question everything he thought he knew about his beloved daughter. He slowly begins to question if Emma’s exemplary behavior is just a façade and if she played a role in the horrific incident. When more strange things begin to happen, he’s faced with keeping a terrible secret to protect Emma, but ultimately must stop her from striking again...
Written by Barbara Marshall, based on the novel by William March - Directed by Rob Lowe. The Bad Seed' will premiere on Lifetime September 9th, 2018.