A new RED BAND Trailer for the upcoming comedy thriller 'The Happytime Murders' has landed online. The film stars: Melissa McCarthy, Elizabeth Banks, Maya Rudolph, Joel McHale, Brian Henson, Jimmy O. Yang, Leslie David Baker, Bill Barretta, Patty Guggenheim, Colleen Smith, Cynthy Wu, Ryan Gaul, Pamela Mitchell.
Plot: No Sesame. All Street. THE HAPPYTIME MURDERS is a filthy comedy set in the underbelly of Los Angeles where puppets and humans coexist. Two clashing detectives with a shared secret, one human (McCarthy) and one puppet, are forced to work together again to solve the brutal murders of the former cast of a beloved classic puppet television show...
Written by Todd Berger, Dee Austin Robertson - Directed by Brian Henson. The Happytime Murders' will hit theaters this Friday August 17th.