Monday, August 13, 2018

Trailer For 'FRENZY' Another Shark Flick:

Oh boy, another shark's gone wide movie! The trailer for the sci-fi shark flick (like we really need another one) 'FRENZY' has landed online. The film will premiere on SyFy August 15th at 9pm.

Plot: A group of millennial friends run a popular travel vlog that helps fund their adventures. Paige, the leader of the group, recently brought her younger sister Lindsey into the fold. Lindsey and another group member strike up a romance, quickly becoming the most popular members to their followers. To help boost viewership the group decides to take an illegal snorkeling trip to a beautiful cove. But when their float plane crashes they find themselves fighting for their lives when they are attacked by a pack of great white sharks...

Directed by Jose Montesinos - FRENZY stars: Gina Vitori, Aubrey Reynolds, Russell Geoffrey Banks, Lanett Tachel, Michael S. New and Taylor Jorgensen.