Tuesday, September 23, 2014

9.23 Character Posters For FX's 'American Horror Story: Freak Show':

I know, I know - I will admit, I have not devoted much time to this upcoming season of AHS.. I'm just not up to posting every 8 sec teaser that pops up online (everyday)... Now with that out of the way... A good many new character posters for FX's 'American Horror Story: Freak Show', have made their way online! Season four will premiere Wednesday, October 8th at 10pm ET/PT...

American Horror Story Freak Show will be set in 1950s Juniper, FL, and center around one of the only surviving sideshows in the country struggles to stay in business during the dawning era of television. When police make a terrifying discovery at a local farmhouse, the eccentric purveyor of the freak show (Lange) sees an opportunity that will lead her troupe either to their salvation or ruin...

This season will Star: Jessica Lange returns as Elsa Mars, Kathy Bates as Effil Darling, Angela Bassett as Desiree Dupree, Sarah Paulson as Siamese twins Bette and Dot Tattler, Evan Peters as Jimmy Darling, Emma Roberts is Maggie And Michael Chiklis as Wendell Del Toredo...

(Source: Arrow In The Head)